1101 Perimeter Dr. Ste. 220, Schaumburg, IL 60173


Choosing the Right Medical Power of Attorney

 Posted on November 15, 2024 in Estate Planning

IL estate lawyerIf you are getting older, experiencing a major health condition, or have other lifestyle factors like a dangerous job or hobby that makes you more likely to have a serious medical event, you should make sure that you have important documents like a medical power of attorney and a living will in place. A living will tells your medical providers what types of medical interventions you would and would not accept if your injury or illness prevents you from expressing your own wishes. A medical power of attorney names the person you would want to be able to access your medical information and make important decisions on your behalf. Choosing this person wisely is of the highest importance. You should discuss your decision with an experienced Schaumburg, IL estate planning attorney.

Why an Immediate Family Member May Not Be The Best Choice 

Most people choose an immediate family member as their health care power of attorney. However, this may not be the best decision for everyone. Your immediate family members are deeply emotionally attached to you and may act irrationally if they fear that you are nearing the end of your life. Imagine a situation where you are incapacitated by a condition like dementia when you are diagnosed with a terminal health condition. If your preference would be to receive palliative or hospice care and be allowed to pass away peacefully, you need to be certain that your power of attorney will not be so overcome with grief that he or she would instead consent to drastic life-prolonging treatments like chemotherapy or surgeries.

Immediate family members may feel obligated to try to preserve your life. Few people are able to simply accept that their beloved mother or sister is going to pass away and refrain from intervening with treatments you would not want.

Who to Choose Instead as Your Medical Decision-Maker 

A few suggestions for choosing a medical power of attorney who is most likely to respect your wishes include: 

  • Choose a similarly-aged friend - A person closer to your own age is more likely to understand end-of-life matters and why you might not want drastic life-prolonging measures. A friend who is around your age may have more clarity on the situation and be able to follow your wishes. 
  • Select a loved one who works in healthcare - Healthcare workers who deal with elderly and extremely sick populations often express that they sometimes feel as though they are doing more harm than good by putting terminally ill elders through interventions like intubation and surgery. A loved one who has worked in healthcare and has seen the realities of life-prolonging care may be more inclined to provide the peaceful end-of-life period you desire. 
  • Name a more distant relative - Choosing a relative who cares about you but is slightly more removed from the situation may be more apt to follow your wishes than your adult child. Grandchildren or cousins may be more able to take a step back and accept that inflicting care you do not want is not the right course of action. 

Contact a Schaumburg, IL Lawyer for Medical Powers of Attorney 

Anderson Attorneys, P.C. is committed to helping people plan to receive the type of future medical care they actually want. Our experienced DuPage County, IL medical planning lawyers will strive to help you choose the best power of attorney possible. Contact us at 847-850-8899 for a free consultation.

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